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A palavra zhou é uma palavra estrangeira

10 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em francês —
  • Zhou n.fam. Nom de famille chinois.
— Em inglês —
  • zhou n. (Chinese contexts) Synonym of congee: a thick rice porridge.
  • Zhou n. A people of ancient China.
  • Zhou prop.n. Various regions of ancient China occupied by this people…
  • Zhou prop.n. A dynasty of rulers over this people, who conquered…
  • Zhou prop.n. The realm of this dynasty, surrounding the Yellow River.
  • Zhou prop.n. The era of Chinese history during which this dynasty ruled.
  • Zhou prop.n. The valley of the Luo and Yi Rivers during the Eastern Zhou dynasty.
  • Zhou prop.n. The short-lived dynasty declared by Wu Zetian during the Tang.
  • Zhou prop.n. A surname. of Chinese origin.
5 palavras portuguesas de 10 definições estrangeiras

China era Nom over short

42 palavras estrangeiras de 10 definições estrangeiras

ancient and Chinese chinois congee conquered contexts declared during dynasty Eastern famille history lived Luo Nom␣de␣famille occupied origin people porridge realm regions rice River Rivers ruled rulers short-lived surname surrounding Synonym Tang the thick this valley Various which who Yellow Yellow␣River Zhou

Um prefixo (Nova palavra encontrada adicionando uma ou mais letras na frente da palavra.)


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