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A palavra tunnel é uma palavra estrangeira

30 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em francês —
  • tunnel n.m. Voie souterraine percée à travers une montagne, une colline…
  • tunnel n.m. Trou noir, période de difficultés.
  • tunnel n.m. (Sens figuré) Tirade ou monologue interminable et inextricable.
  • tunnel n.m. (Agriculture) Serre basse en matière plastique soutenue par des arceaux.
  • tunnel n.m. (Internet) Système permettant de faire transiter des données…
— Em italiano —
  • tunnel s. (Forestierismo) (ingegneria) passaggio sotterraneo.
  • tunnel s. (Senso figurato) circostanza che non mostra agevoli od eventuali…
  • tunnel s. (Sport), (calcio), gesto tecnico che consiste nel far passare…
— Em inglês —
  • tunnel n. An underground or underwater passage.
  • tunnel n. A passage through or under some obstacle.
  • tunnel n. A hole in the ground made by an animal, a burrow.
  • tunnel n. (Computing, networking) A wrapper for a protocol that cannot…
  • tunnel n. A vessel with a broad mouth at one end, a pipe or tube at…
  • tunnel n. The opening of a chimney for the passage of smoke; a flue.
  • tunnel n. (Mining) A level passage driven across the measures, or at…
  • tunnel n. (Figurative) Anything that resembles a tunnel.
  • tunnel v. (Transitive) To make a tunnel through or under something; to burrow.
  • tunnel v. (Intransitive) To dig a tunnel.
  • tunnel v. (Computing, networking) To transmit something through a tunnel…
  • tunnel v. (Transitive, medicine) To insert a catheter into a vein to…
  • tunnel v. (Physics) To undergo the quantum-mechanical phenomenon where…
— Em alemão —
  • tunnel V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs tunneln.
  • tunnel V. 1. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs tunneln.
  • Tunnel S. Bauwesen: längere Unterführung, Durchbruch durch Bergmassive…
  • Tunnel S. Neologismus: mit einem Ring gefasste Ohrläppchenöffnung.
— Palavra portuguesa, definida em holandês —
  • tunnel n. Een kunstmatige ondergrondse doorgang.
  • tunnel n. (Figuurlijk) iets dat lang en overdekt is.
  • tunnel w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van tunnelen.
  • tunnel w. Gebiedende wijs van tunnelen.
  • tunnel w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van tunnelen.
19 palavras portuguesas de 30 definições estrangeiras

animal che consiste for gesto Internet level medicine mostra par pipe quantum Ring Senso Serre Singular some Sport van

142 palavras estrangeiras de 30 definições estrangeiras

across agevoli Agriculture Aktiv A␣level Anything arceaux at␣one à␣travers basse Bauwesen Bergmassive Bij broad burrow calcio cannot catheter chimney circostanza colline Computing dat des difficultés dig données doorgang driven durch Durchbruch Een Eerste Eerste␣persoon einem end enkelvoud eventuali faire far Figurative figurato figuré Figuurlijk flue Forestierismo Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs gefasste ground hole iets Imperativ Indikativ inextricable ingegneria insert interminable in␣the␣ground into Intransitive inversie lang längere made make matière matière␣plastique measures mechanical Mining mit monologue montagne mouth nel Neologismus networking noir non obstacle of␣a ondergrondse one opening overdekt passage passaggio percée période permettant Person persoon phenomenon Physics plastique Präsens protocol quantum␣mechanical resembles Sens Sens␣figuré Senso␣figurato smoke something sotterraneo soutenue souterraine Système tecnico tegenwoordige␣tijd that the through tijd Tirade transiter Transitive transmit travers Trou Trou␣noir tube tunnel tunnelen tunneln tweede tweede␣persoon under undergo underground underwater une Unterführung vein Verbs vessel Voie where wijs with wrapper

Um anagrama menos uma letra (Nova palavra formada com toda a letra da palavra menos uma letra.)


Um lipograma (Nova palavra encontrada ao remover apenas uma letra.)


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