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A palavra they é uma palavra estrangeira

7 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em francês —
  • They n.prop. (Géographie) Ancien nom de la commune française They-sous-Vaudemont.
— Em inglês —
  • they pron. (The third-person plural nominative) A group of entities…
  • they pron. (The third-person singular nominative, occasionally proscribed)…
  • they pron. (Indefinite pronoun, vague meaning) People; some people;…
  • they det. (Now Southern England dialect or nonstandard) The, those.
  • they det. (US dialects, including AAVE) Their.
  • they pron. (US dialectal) There (especially as an expletive subject of be).
5 palavras portuguesas de 7 definições estrangeiras

dialectal nom plural singular some

40 palavras estrangeiras de 7 definições estrangeiras

AAVE Ancien commune de␣la dialect dialects England entities especially expletive française Géographie group including Indefinite Indefinite␣pronoun meaning nominative nonstandard Now occasionally people person pronoun proscribed some␣people sous Southern subject The Their There They They-sous-Vaudemont third third␣person third-person␣plural third-person␣singular those vague

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