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A palavra span é uma palavra estrangeira

34 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Palavra estrangeira, definida em português —
  • Avéstico
— Em inglês —
  • span n. The full width of an open hand from the end of the thumb…
  • span n. Any of various traditional units of length approximating…
  • span n. (By extension) A small space or a brief portion of time.
  • span n. A portion of something by length; a subsequence.
  • span n. (Architecture, construction) The spread or extent of an arch…
  • span n. (Architecture, construction) The length of a cable, wire…
  • span n. (Nautical) A rope having its ends made fast so that a purchase…
  • span n. (US, Canada) A pair of horses or other animals driven together;…
  • span n. (Mathematics) The space of all linear combinations of something.
  • span n. (Computing) The time required to execute a parallel algorithm…
  • span n. Wingspan of a plane or bird.
  • span v. (Transitive) To extend through the distance between or across.
  • span v. (Transitive) To extend through (a time period).
  • span v. (Transitive) To measure by the span of the hand with the…
  • span v. (Mathematics) To generate an entire space by means of linear combinations.
  • span v. (Intransitive, US, dated) To be matched, as horses.
  • span v. (Transitive) To fetter, as a horse; to hobble.
  • span v. (Archaic, now nonstandard) simple past tense of spin.
  • Span prop.n. A surname.
  • SPAN prop.n. Acronym of Suicide Prevention Advocacy Network.
  • SPAN prop.n. (Computing) Acronym of Switched Port Analyzer, a Cisco technology.
— Em alemão —
  • span V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs spanen.
  • span V. 1. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs spanen.
  • Span S. Kleines Stück Material, das als Abfall beim Sägen, Hobeln…
  • spän V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs spänen.
  • spän V. 1. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs spänen.
  • span. Abk. Spanisch.
— Palavra portuguesa, definida em holandês —
  • span n. O twee of meer trekdieren die samen zijn aangespannen.
  • span n. O duo, koppel, paar, stel, tweetal.
  • span n. M /v een oude (niet-metrische) lengtemaat zijnde de afstand…
  • span w. Eerste persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van spannen.
  • span w. Gebiedende wijs van spannen.
  • span w. (Bij inversie) tweede persoon enkelvoud tegenwoordige tijd van spannen.
1 palavra portuguesa da definição portuguesa


14 palavras portuguesas de 33 definições estrangeiras

Canada Cisco das duo execute linear Material Network open plane Singular spin time van

143 palavras estrangeiras de 33 definições estrangeiras

Abfall Acronym across Advocacy afstand Aktiv algorithm all als Analyzer animals Any approximating arch Archaic Architecture beim between Bij bird brief By␣extension by␣means␣of cable combinations Computing construction dated des die distance driven een Eerste Eerste␣persoon end end␣of ends enkelvoud entire extend extension extent fast fetter from full Gebiedende Gebiedende␣wijs generate hand having hobble Hobeln horse horses Imperativ Indikativ Intransitive inversie its Kleines koppel lengtemaat length linear␣combinations made matched Mathematics means measure meer metrische Nautical niet nonstandard now of␣a of␣all of␣an other oude paar pair parallel past past␣tense period Person persoon Port portion Präsens Prevention purchase required rope Sägen samen simple simple␣past small something so␣that space span spänen Spanisch spannen spread stel Stück subsequence Suicide surname Switched technology tegenwoordige␣tijd tense that the through thumb tijd time␣period together traditional Transitive trekdieren twee tweede tweede␣persoon tweetal units various Verbs width wijs Wingspan wire with zijn zijnde

191 tempos no meio (Novas palavras encontradas adicionando letras na frente e no final da palavra.)

espane espanai espanar espanei espanem espanes Espanha espanou espanta espante espanto hispana hispano espanara espanará espanava espancar espaneis espaneje espanejo espanhol espantai espantam espantar espantas espantei espantem espantes espantou Hispânia raspando chispando crispando espanador espanaram espanarão espanaras espanarás espanarei espanarem espanares espanaria espanasse espanaste espanavam espândigo espanejai espanejam espanejar espanejas +141 palavras

2 palavras na palavra (Palavras encontradas como estão dentro da palavra. Tamanho mínimo 3 letras.)

PAN pan-

Um anagrama (Nova palavra encontrada alterando a ordem da letra.)


5 anagramas encontrados com uma letra extra (Novas palavras formadas com toda a letra da palavra e uma carta extra.)

Pains panos penas pensa punas

6 anagramas menos uma letra (Novas palavras formadas com toda a letra da palavra menos uma letra.)

ANP ANS nas PAN pan- pás

2 primos (Novas palavras formadas por mudar uma letra na palavra.)

spam spin

2 lipogramas (Novas palavras encontradas ao remover apenas uma letra.)

PAN pan-

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