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A palavra pyramid é uma palavra estrangeira

14 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em inglês —
  • pyramid n. An ancient massive construction with a square or rectangular…
  • pyramid n. A construction in the shape of a pyramid, usually with a…
  • pyramid n. (Geometry) A solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal…
  • pyramid n. (Neuroanatomy) A medullary pyramid, the medial-most bumps…
  • pyramid n. (UK, dated) The game of pool in which the balls are placed…
  • pyramid n. A pyramid scheme.
  • pyramid n. (Card games, uncountable) Alternative letter-case form of…
  • pyramid n. (Card games) The triangular layout of cards in the game of Pyramid.
  • pyramid n. (Journalism) An approximately triangular headline consisting…
  • pyramid v. To build up or be arranged in the form of a pyramid.
  • pyramid v. (Transitive, genetics) To combine (a series of genes) into…
  • pyramid v. (Intransitive) To employ, or take part in, a pyramid scheme.
  • pyramid v. (Finance) To engage in pyramid trading.
  • Pyramid prop.n. (Card games) A solitaire card game where the cards are…
12 palavras portuguesas de 14 definições estrangeiras

are case combine faces game games genes lateral layout shape take triangular

57 palavras estrangeiras de 14 definições estrangeiras

Alternative ancient and approximately arranged balls build build␣up bumps card card␣game Card␣games cards consisting construction dated employ engage Finance form genetics Geometry headline in␣the␣game into Intransitive Journalism letter letter␣case massive medial medullary most Neuroanatomy of␣a part placed polygonal pool pyramid pyramid␣scheme pyramid␣trading rectangular scheme series solid solitaire square take␣part the trading Transitive uncountable usually where which with

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