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A palavra only é uma palavra estrangeira

13 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em inglês —
  • only adj. Alone in a category.
  • only adj. Singularly superior; the best.
  • only adj. Without sibling; without a sibling of the same gender.
  • only adj. (Obsolete) Mere.
  • only adv. Without others or anything further; exclusively.
  • only adv. No more than; just.
  • only adv. As recently as.
  • only adv. (Britain) Used to express surprise or consternation at an action.
  • only adv. Introduces a disappointing or surprising outcome that renders…
  • only adv. (Obsolete) Above all others; particularly.
  • only conj. (Informal) Under the condition that; but.
  • only conj. But; except.
  • only n. An only child.
5 palavras portuguesas de 13 definições estrangeiras

Informal more same sibling superior

43 palavras estrangeiras de 13 definições estrangeiras

Above Above␣all action all Alone anything best Britain but category child condition consternation disappointing except exclusively express further gender Introduces just Mere No␣more Obsolete only only␣child or␣anything others outcome particularly recently renders Singularly surprise surprising than that the the␣same Under Used Used␣to without

Um anagrama encontrado com uma letra extra (Nova palavra formada com toda a letra da palavra e uma carta extra.)


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