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A palavra odd é uma palavra estrangeira

19 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em francês —
  • ODD n.m. (Écologie) Objectif de développement durable.
— Em inglês —
  • odd adj. Differing from what is usual, ordinary or expected.
  • odd adj. (Not comparable) Without a corresponding mate in a pair…
  • odd adj. (Not comparable) Left over, remaining after the rest have…
  • odd adj. (Not comparable) Left over or remaining (as a small amount)…
  • odd adj. (Not comparable) Scattered; occasional, infrequent; not…
  • odd adj. (Not comparable) Not regular or planned.
  • odd adj. (Not comparable) Used or employed for odd jobs.
  • odd adj. (Mathematics, not comparable) Numerically indivisible by two.
  • odd adj. (Not comparable) Numbered with an odd number.
  • odd adj. (Not comparable, in combination with a number) About, approximately;…
  • odd adj. Out of the way, secluded.
  • odd adj. (Sports) On the left.
  • odd adj. (Obsolete) Singular in excellence; matchless; peerless; outstanding.
  • odd n. (Mathematics, diminutive) An odd number.
  • odd n. (Colloquial) Something left over, not forming part of a set.
  • ODD n. Initialism of oppositional defiant disorder.
  • ODD n. (Computing) Initialism of optical disc drive.
  • -odd suff. Plus some indeterminate fraction not amounting to the…
10 palavras portuguesas de 19 definições estrangeiras

drive for mate over Plus regular set Singular some usual

77 palavras estrangeiras de 19 definições estrangeiras

About after amount amounting approximately Colloquial combination comparable Computing corresponding defiant développement développement␣durable Differing diminutive disc disc␣drive disorder durable Écologie employed excellence expected forming fraction from have indeterminate indivisible infrequent Initialism jobs left left␣over matchless Mathematics not number Numbered Numerically Objectif Obsolete occasional odd odd␣jobs odd␣number of␣a On␣the oppositional optical optical␣disc optical␣disc␣drive ordinary Out Out␣of Out␣of␣the␣way outstanding pair part peerless planned remaining rest Scattered secluded small Something Sports the the␣way to␣the two Used way what with Without

Uma vez no meio (Nova palavra encontrada adicionando letras na frente e no final da palavra.)


5 anagramas encontrados com uma letra extra (Novas palavras formadas com toda a letra da palavra e uma carta extra.)

dado dedo dodo dodó dodô

3 anagramas menos uma letra (Novas palavras formadas com toda a letra da palavra menos uma letra.)

dd do dó

4 primos (Novas palavras formadas por mudar uma letra na palavra.)

oda ode odu SDD

Um lipograma (Nova palavra encontrada ao remover apenas uma letra.)


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