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A palavra millennial está no Wikcionário

12 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Palavra portuguesa —
— Em francês —
  • millennial n.m. Membre de la génération Y.
— Em italiano —
  • millennial s. (Forestierismo) (neologismo) (antropologia) (sociologia)…
— Em inglês —
  • millennial adj. Referring to the 1,000th anniversary of an event or happening.
  • millennial adj. Occurring every thousand years.
  • millennial adj. Occurring at, or relating to, the end or beginning of a millennium.
  • millennial adj. Of or relating to people born in the last two decades of…
  • millennial adj. (Christianity) Referring to the millennium, the period…
  • millennial n. (Demographics, often capitalized) A person from the generation…
  • Millennial adj. Alternative letter-case form of millennial.
  • Millennial n. Alternative letter-case form of millennial.
— Palavra portuguesa, definida em holandês —
  • millennial n. (Demografie) persoon die behoort tot de generatie geboren…
2 palavras portuguesas da definição portuguesa

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5 palavras portuguesas de 11 definições estrangeiras

antropologia case millennial neologismo sociologia

44 palavras estrangeiras de 11 definições estrangeiras

Alternative anniversary beginning behoort born capitalized Christianity decades de␣la Demografie Demographics die end event every Forestierismo form from geboren generatie génération génération␣Y happening last letter letter␣case Membre millennium Occurring of␣a of␣an often people period person persoon Referring relating the thousand tot to␣the two years

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