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A palavra lay é uma palavra estrangeira

46 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em espanhol —
  • Lay s. Apellido.
— Em francês —
  • Lay n.prop. (Géographie) Commune française, située dans le département…
  • Lay n.prop.m. Fleuve côtier du département de la Vendée, en France.
— Em inglês —
  • lay v. (Transitive) To place down in a position of rest, or in a…
  • lay v. (Transitive, archaic) To cause to subside or abate.
  • lay v. (Transitive) To prepare (A plan, project etc.); to set out…
  • lay v. (Transitive) To install certain building materials, laying…
  • lay v. (Transitive) To produce and deposit an egg.
  • lay v. (Transitive) To bet (that something is or is not the case).
  • lay v. (Transitive) To deposit (a stake) as a wager; to stake; to risk.
  • lay v. (Transitive, slang) To have sex with.
  • lay v. (Nautical) To take a position; to come or go.
  • lay v. (Law) To state; to allege.
  • lay v. (Military) To point; to aim.
  • lay v. (Ropemaking) To put the strands of (A rope, a cable, etc…
  • lay v. (Printing) To place and arrange (pages) for a form upon the imposing stone.
  • lay v. (Printing) To place (new type) properly in the cases.
  • lay v. To apply; to put.
  • lay v. To impose (A burden, punishment, command, tax, etc.).
  • lay v. To impute; to charge; to allege.
  • lay v. To present or offer.
  • lay v. (Intransitive, proscribed, see usage notes) To lie: to rest…
  • lay n. Arrangement or relationship; layout.
  • lay n. A share of the profits in a business.
  • lay n. The direction a rope is twisted.
  • lay n. (Colloquial) A casual sexual partner.
  • lay n. (Colloquial) An act of sexual intercourse.
  • lay n. (Slang, archaic) A place or activity where someone spends…
  • lay n. The laying of eggs.
  • lay n. (Obsolete) A layer.
  • lay n. (Obsolete) A basis or ground.
  • lay n. A lake.
  • lay adj. Not belonging to the clergy, but associated with them.
  • lay adj. Non-professional; not being a member of an organized institution.
  • lay adj. (Card games) Not trumps.
  • lay adj. (Obsolete) Not educated or cultivated; ignorant.
  • lay v. Simple past tense of lie when pertaining to position.
  • lay v. (Proscribed) To be in a horizontal position; to lie (from…
  • lay n. A ballad or sung poem; a short poem or narrative, usually…
  • lay n. A lyrical, narrative poem written in octosyllabic couplets…
  • lay n. (Obsolete) A meadow; a lea.
  • lay n. (Obsolete) A law.
  • lay n. (Obsolete) An obligation; a vow.
  • lay v. (Judaism, transitive) To don or put on (tefillin (phylacteries)).
  • Lay prop.n. A river in western France.
  • Lay prop.n. A surname.
23 palavras portuguesas de 46 definições estrangeiras

abate burden business case cases casual cause charge come etc for games horizontal impute layout partner prepare set sexual share short slang take

152 palavras estrangeiras de 46 definições estrangeiras

act activity aim allege and Apellido apply archaic arrange Arrangement associated ballad basis being belonging bet building building␣materials but cable Card Card␣games certain clergy Colloquial command Commune côtier couplets cultivated dans de␣la département deposit direction don down educated egg eggs Fleuve form française France from Géographie ground have have␣sex ignorant impose imposing imposing␣stone install institution intercourse Intransitive Judaism lake law layer laying lea lie lyrical materials meadow member Military narrative Nautical new Non Non-professional not notes not␣the␣case obligation Obsolete octosyllabic of␣an offer organized out pages past past␣tense pertaining phylacteries place plan poem point position present Printing produce professional profits project properly proscribed punishment put put␣on relationship rest risk river rope Ropemaking see set␣out sex sexual␣intercourse sexual␣partner Simple Simple␣past située someone something spends stake state stone strands subside sung surname tax tefillin tense that the them to␣come to␣the transitive trumps twisted type upon usage usually Vendée vow wager western when where with written

3 sufixos (Novas palavras encontradas adicionando uma ou mais letras no final da palavra.)

layout layoutman layout␣man

9 tempos no meio (Novas palavras encontradas adicionando letras na frente e no final da palavra.)

player playbói playboy CD␣player playback long-plays playground playboyzinha albatroz-de-laysan

6 prefixos (Novas palavras encontradas adicionando uma ou mais letras à frente da palavra.)

play cosplay dar␣play display gameplay long-play

2 anagramas encontrados com uma letra extra (Novas palavras formadas com toda a letra da palavra e uma carta extra.)

Lyra play

9 anagramas menos uma letra (Novas palavras formadas com toda a letra da palavra menos uma letra.)

al AL -al al- la lá lã ya yá

7 primos (Novas palavras formadas por mudar uma letra na palavra.)

gay lai lao lar s lax- laz

3 lipogramas (Novas palavras encontradas ao remover apenas uma letra.)

la lá lã

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