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A palavra however é uma palavra estrangeira

9 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em inglês —
  • however adv. (Conjunctive) Nevertheless; yet, still; in spite of that.
  • however adv. (Conjunctive) In contrast.
  • however adv. (Degree) To whatever degree or extent.
  • however adv. (Informal, manner) In any way that one likes or chooses;…
  • however adv. (Interrogative) How ever: an emphatic form of how, used…
  • however adv. (Obsolete) In any case, at any rate, at all events.
  • however conj. Regardless of the way in which.
  • however conj. In any way in which.
  • however conj. (Proscribed) But, yet, though, although.
3 palavras portuguesas de 9 definições estrangeiras

case Informal rate

44 palavras estrangeiras de 9 definições estrangeiras

all although any any␣way at␣all at␣all␣events at␣any␣rate But chooses Conjunctive contrast degree emphatic events ever extent form how In␣any␣case In␣contrast in␣spite␣of Interrogative likes manner Nevertheless Obsolete one Proscribed Regardless Regardless␣of spite spite␣of still that that␣one the the␣way though used way way␣in whatever which yet

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