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A palavra hh está no Wikcionário

15 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Palavra portuguesa —
  • hh s. Plural de h (letra).
— Em francês —
  • h.h. n.m. (Généalogie) Abréviation venant qualifier le nom d’un homme…
— Em inglês —
  • hh n. Abbreviation of hands (one hand being four inches).
  • Hh prop.n. (Biology) A protein expressed in the larva of the fruit…
  • Hh prop.n. (Medicine) A blood group system involving the presence…
  • HH prop.n. His Holiness.
  • HH prop.n. His or Her Highness.
  • HH prop.n. Initialism of Hansestadt Hamburg. The German city of…
  • HH adj. (Philately) Initialism of heavily hinged.
  • HH phr. Initialism of Heil Hitler.
  • H&H n. (Medicine) Initialism of hemoglobin and hematocrit. (as a…
  • H/H prop.n. (Fandom slang) The ship of characters Harry Potter and…
  • H.H. prop.n. Alternative form of HH.
— Em alemão —
  • HH Abk. Die Stadt Hamburg.
  • H.␣H. Abk. Abkürzung für die Anrede als Hochwürdiger Herr (etwa in…
2 palavras portuguesas da definição portuguesa

letra Plural

5 palavras portuguesas de 14 definições estrangeiras

inches larva Medicine nom slang

58 palavras estrangeiras de 14 definições estrangeiras

Abbreviation Abkürzung Abréviation als Alternative and Anrede being Biology blood blood␣group characters city die etwa expressed Fandom form four fruit für Généalogie German group Hamburg hand hands Hansestadt Harry Harry␣Potter heavily Heil hematocrit hemoglobin Her Her␣Highness Herr Highness hinged His His␣Holiness Hitler Hochwürdiger␣Herr Holiness homme Initialism involving one Philately Potter presence protein qualifier ship Stadt system the venant

Uma vez no meio (Nova palavra encontrada adicionando letras na frente e no final da palavra.)


15 primos (Novas palavras formadas por mudar uma letra na palavra.)

ah aH eh há Hb. HD hê hj hô HQ ih oh pH RH uh

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