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A palavra grill é uma palavra estrangeira

33 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em francês —
  • grill n.m. Restaurant où l’on sert des grillades.
  • Grill n.fam. Nom de famille.
— Em italiano —
  • grill s. Definizione mancante; se vuoi, [grill aggiungila] tu.
  • grill s. (Familiare) definizione mancante; se vuoi, [grill aggiungila] tu.
  • grill s. (Gastronomia) definizione mancante; se vuoi, [grill aggiungila] tu.
  • grill s. Abbreviazione di grill-room.
— Em inglês —
  • grill n. A grating; a grid of wire or a sheet of material with a pattern…
  • grill n. The criss-cross pieces that separate panes of glass in a window.
  • grill n. On a vehicle, a slotted cover as above, to protect and hide…
  • grill n. (UK) A cooking device comprising a source of radiative heat…
  • grill n. (US) A cooking device comprising a source of radiative and…
  • grill n. Food (designed to be) cooked on a grill.
  • grill n. A grillroom; a restaurant serving grilled food.
  • grill n. (Colloquial) A type of jewelry worn on the front teeth.
  • grill n. (Colloquial, by extension) The front teeth regarded collectively.
  • grill n. (Internet slang, humorous) Misspelling of girl.
  • grill v. (Transitive) To cook (food) on a grill; to barbecue.
  • grill v. (Transitive, Australia, New Zealand, UK) To cook food under…
  • grill v. (Transitive, colloquial) To interrogate; to question aggressively…
  • grill v. (Intransitive, informal) To feel very hot; to swelter.
  • grill v. (Transitive) To stamp or mark with a grill.
  • grill v. (Transitive, Scotland, US, obsolete) To make angry; provoke;…
  • grill v. (Transitive, chiefly Scotland, obsolete) To terrify; make tremble.
  • grill v. (Intransitive, chiefly Scotland, obsolete) To tremble; shiver.
  • grill v. (Intransitive, Northern England, Scotland, obsolete) To snarl; snap.
  • grill adj. (Obsolete) Harsh, rough, severe; cruel.
  • grill n. (Obsolete) Harm.
— Em alemão —
  • grill V. 2. Person Singular Imperativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs grillen.
  • Grill S. Mit Holzkohle, Gas oder elektrisch betriebenes Gerät, das…
  • Grill S. Zum Gerät Grill gehörender Rost.
  • Grill S. Technik: Gitter vor dem Kühler eines Kraftfahrzeuges.
  • Grill S. Zahntechnik: verzierter Schmuck, der über den Zähnen als…
— Palavra portuguesa, definida em holandês —
  • grill n. (Huishouden) toestel om vlees door stralende warmte te roosteren…
15 palavras portuguesas de 33 definições estrangeiras

barbecue cover cruel das der front Gastronomia grid informal Internet material Nom Singular slang Zum

131 palavras estrangeiras de 33 definições estrangeiras

Abbreviazione above aggressively Aktiv als and angry Australia betriebenes by␣extension chiefly collectively colloquial comprising cook cooked cooking criss criss-cross cross definizione dem den des designed device door eines elektrisch England extension Familiare famille feel food front␣teeth Gas gehörender Gerät girl Gitter glass grating grill grillades grilled grillen grill␣room Harm Harsh heat hide Holzkohle hot Huishouden humorous Imperativ interrogate Intransitive jewelry Kraftfahrzeuges Kühler l’on make mancante mark Misspelling Mit New New␣Zealand Nom␣de␣famille Northern obsolete oder on␣the panes pattern Person pieces Präsens protect provoke question radiative regarded restaurant room roosteren Rost rough Schmuck Scotland separate sert serving severe sheet shiver slotted snap snarl source stamp stralende swelter Technik teeth terrify that the toestel Transitive tremble type über under vehicle Verbs very verzierter vlees vor vuoi warmte window wire with worn Zähnen Zahntechnik Zealand

Uma palavra na palavra (Palavra encontrada como está dentro da palavra. Tamanho mínimo 3 letras.)


3 primos (Novas palavras formadas por mudar uma letra na palavra.)

grila grilo krill

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