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A palavra easy é uma palavra estrangeira

13 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em inglês —
  • easy adj. (Now rare except in certain expressions) Comfortable; at ease.
  • easy adj. Requiring little skill or effort.
  • easy adj. Causing ease; giving comfort, or freedom from care or labour.
  • easy adj. Free from constraint, harshness, or formality; unconstrained; smooth.
  • easy adj. (Informal, derogatory, of a woman) Consenting readily to sex.
  • easy adj. Not making resistance or showing unwillingness; tractable;…
  • easy adj. (Finance, dated) Not straitened as to money matters; opposed to tight.
  • easy adv. In a relaxed or casual manner.
  • easy adv. In a manner without strictness or harshness.
  • easy adv. At the very least.
  • easy n. Something that is easy. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
  • easy v. (Rowing) Synonym of easy-oar.
— Palavra portuguesa, definida em holandês —
  • easy bijv. Niet moeilijk, waar weinig moeite en inspanning voor vereist is.
4 palavras portuguesas de 13 definições estrangeiras

casual for Free Informal

74 palavras estrangeiras de 13 definições estrangeiras

add as␣to at␣ease At␣the␣very␣least Can care Causing certain comfort Comfortable Consenting constraint dated derogatory ease easy easy-oar effort example except expressions Finance formality freedom from giving harshness In␣a␣manner inspanning labour least little making manner matters moeilijk moeite money Niet Not Now oar of␣a opposed rare readily relaxed Requiring resistance Rowing sense sex showing skill smooth Something straitened strictness Synonym that that␣is the this tight tractable unconstrained unwillingness vereist very voor waar weinig without woman

Um anagrama menos uma letra (Nova palavra formada com toda a letra da palavra menos uma letra.)


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