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A palavra dutch é uma palavra estrangeira

14 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em inglês —
  • dutch n. (Slang) wife.
  • dutch v. Alternative letter-case form of Dutch (“treat cocoa with alkali”).
  • Dutch adj. Of or pertaining to the Netherlands, the Dutch people or…
  • Dutch adj. (Archaic, regional, fossil word) Pertaining to Germanic-speaking…
  • Dutch adj. (Obsolete, fossil word, derogatory) Substitute, inferior, ersatz.
  • Dutch adj. (Dated) Thrifty.
  • Dutch adj. (South Africa, derogatory, ethnic slur) Pertaining to Afrikaner…
  • Dutch prop.n. The main language of the Netherlands and Flanders (i…
  • Dutch prop.n. (Archaic) German; the main language of the Holy Roman…
  • Dutch prop.n. A male given name, more often given as a nickname to…
  • Dutch n. (Collective) The people of the Netherlands, or one of certain…
  • Dutch n. (Collective, South Africa, derogatory, offensive, ethnic…
  • Dutch n. (Collective) The Pennsylvania Dutch people.
  • Dutch v. To treat cocoa beans or powder with an alkali solution to…
6 palavras portuguesas de 14 definições estrangeiras

case inferior more nickname regional Slang

55 palavras estrangeiras de 14 definições estrangeiras

Africa Afrikaner alkali Alternative and Archaic beans certain cocoa cocoa␣beans Collective Dated derogatory Dutch ersatz ethnic Flanders form fossil fossil␣word German Germanic given given␣name Holy language letter letter␣case main male name Netherlands Obsolete offensive often one Pennsylvania Pennsylvania␣Dutch people pertaining powder Roman slur solution South South␣Africa speaking Substitute the Thrifty to␣the treat wife with word

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