A palavra é uma palavra estrangeira5 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)- dripping n.m. (Art) Technique consistant à tremper un ustensile (très…
- dripping n. Solid animal fat, traditionally collected from dripping off roasting meat.
- dripping n. The sound or action of something that drips.
- dripping n. The use of a drip tip to drip e-liquid directly onto the…
- dripping v. Present participle of drip.
3 palavras portuguesas de 5 definições estrangeirasanimal off use 32 palavras estrangeiras de 5 definições estrangeirasaction animal␣fat Art collected consistant directly drip dripping drips drip␣tip e-liquid fat from liquid meat of␣a onto participle Present Present␣participle roasting Solid something sound Technique that the tip traditionally tremper très ustensile
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