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A palavra cutting é uma palavra estrangeira

15 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em francês —
  • cutting n. (Équitation) Discipline d’équitation western, pendant laquelle…
  • Cutting n.prop. (Géographie) Commune française du département de la Moselle.
— Em inglês —
  • cutting n. (Countable, uncountable) The action of the verb to cut.
  • cutting n. (Countable) A section removed from a larger whole.
  • cutting n. (Countable) An abridged selection of written work, often…
  • cutting n. (Countable, Britain) An open passage at a level lower than…
  • cutting n. (Uncountable, cinematography, sound engineering) The editing…
  • cutting n. (Uncountable, machining) The process of bringing metals to…
  • cutting n. (Uncountable, psychology) The act of cutting one’s own skin…
  • cutting adj. That is used for cutting.
  • cutting adj. Piercing, sharp.
  • cutting adj. Of criticism, remarks, etc.: (potentially) hurtful.
  • cutting adj. (India) Of a beverage: half-sized.
  • cutting v. Present participle of cut.
  • Cutting prop.n. A surname.
6 palavras portuguesas de 15 definições estrangeiras

Discipline etc for level open skin

64 palavras estrangeiras de 15 definições estrangeiras

abridged act action beverage bringing Britain cinematography Commune Countable criticism cut cutting cutting␣one de␣la département editing engineering équitation équitation␣western française from Géographie half hurtful India laquelle larger lower machining metals Moselle Of␣a often one own participle passage pendant Piercing potentially Present Present␣participle process psychology remarks removed section selection sharp sized sound sound␣engineering surname than That That␣is the uncountable used verb western whole work written

2 palavras na palavra (Palavras encontradas como estão dentro da palavra. Tamanho mínimo 3 letras.)

CUT cut-

Uma palavra na palavra DeS (Palavra encontrada escrita da direita para a esquerda, dentro da palavra. Tamanho mínimo 3 letras.)


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