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A palavra comeout é uma palavra estrangeira

13 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em inglês —
  • comeout n. (Gambling) The initial roll of the dice in craps.
  • come␣out v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see come, out.
  • come␣out v. To be discovered, be revealed.
  • come␣out v. To be published, be issued.
  • come␣out v. (Old-fashioned or historical) (as a debutante) To make a…
  • come␣out v. (Copulative) To end up or result.
  • come␣out v. (Cricket, of a batsman) To walk onto the field at the beginning…
  • come␣out v. (Idiomatic, informal) To come out of the closet.
  • come␣out v. To be deducted from.
  • come␣out v. To express one’s opinion openly.
  • come␣out v. (Of the sun, moon or stars) To become visible in the sky…
  • come␣out v. To go on strike, especially out of solidarity with other workers.
  • come␣out v. To make a debut in a new field.
5 palavras portuguesas de 13 definições estrangeiras

come Cricket debutante informal strike

61 palavras estrangeiras de 13 definições estrangeiras

batsman become beginning closet come␣out come␣out␣of␣the␣closet Copulative craps debut deducted dice discovered end end␣up especially express fashioned field figuratively from Gambling go␣on historical Idiomatic idiomatically initial issued make moon new of␣a Old Old␣fashioned one on␣strike onto openly opinion other other␣than out out␣of published result revealed roll roll␣of␣the␣dice see sky solidarity stars sun than the To␣come To␣go Used visible walk with workers

3 palavras na palavra (Palavras encontradas como estão dentro da palavra. Tamanho mínimo 3 letras.)

com com- come

Uma palavra na palavra DeS (Palavra encontrada escrita da direita para a esquerda, dentro da palavra. Tamanho mínimo 3 letras.)


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