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A palavra clean está no Wikcionário

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— Palavra portuguesa —
  • clean adj. (Estrangeirismo) ver limpo.
— Em francês —
  • clean adj. (Argot) Propre, sans saleté.
  • clean adj. (Sens figuré) (Argot) Sobre, qui n’est pas ivre et qui…
  • clean adj. (Sens figuré) (Argot) Qui n’a pas de casier judiciaire.
  • clean adj. (Par extension) (Argot) Honnête.
  • clean adj. (Paintball) Qui n’a pas d’impact, qui peut continuer à jouer.
— Em inglês —
  • clean adj. (Heading, physical) Free of dirt or impurities or protruberances.
  • clean adj. (Heading, behavioural) Free of immorality or criminality.
  • clean adj. Smooth, exact, and performed well.
  • clean adj. (Obsolete) Total; utter. (still in "clean sweep")
  • clean adj. (Informal) Cool or neat.
  • clean adj. (Health) Being free of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  • clean adj. That does not damage the environment.
  • clean adj. Free from that which is useless or injurious; without defects.
  • clean adj. Free from restraint or neglect; complete; entire.
  • clean adj. Well-proportioned; shapely.
  • clean adj. (Climbing, of a route) Ascended without falling.
  • clean n. Removal of dirt.
  • clean n. (Weightlifting) The first part of the event clean and jerk…
  • clean v. (Transitive) To remove dirt from a place or object.
  • clean v. (Transitive) To tidy up, make a place neat.
  • clean v. (Transitive, climbing) To remove equipment from a climbing…
  • clean v. (Intransitive) To make things clean in general.
  • clean v. (Transitive, computing) To remove unnecessary files, etc…
  • clean v. (Intransitive, curling) To brush the ice lightly in front…
  • clean v. (Manga fandom slang) To purge a raw of any blemishes caused…
  • clean v. (Video games) Synonym of clean up.
  • clean v. To remove guts and/or scales of a butchered animal.
  • clean adv. Fully and completely.
  • Clean prop.n. A surname.
— Em alemão —
  • clean Adj. Umgangssprachlich, Jargon: nicht mehr von Drogen abhängig.
— Palavra portuguesa, definida em holandês —
  • clean bijv. Modern, strak.
  • clean bijv. Geen drugs meer gebruikend.
3 palavras portuguesas da definição portuguesa

Estrangeirismo limpo ver

18 palavras portuguesas de 32 definições estrangeiras

animal clean complete Cool curling does etc free front games general Informal Manga Par qui slang Sobre Total

124 palavras estrangeiras de 32 definições estrangeiras

abhängig and and/or any Argot Ascended behavioural Being blemishes brush butchered casier casier␣judiciaire caused clean␣and␣jerk clean␣sweep clean␣up climbing completely computing continuer criminality damage defects dirt diseases Drogen drugs entire environment equipment est event exact extension falling fandom figuré files first from Fully gebruikend Geen guts Heading Health Honnête ice immorality impact impurities in␣front in␣general injurious Intransitive ivre Jargon jerk jouer judiciaire lightly make meer mehr Modern neat neglect nicht not object Obsolete of␣a Paintball Par␣extension part pas pas␣de performed peut physical place proportioned Propre protruberances purge raw Removal remove restraint route saleté sans scales Sens Sens␣figuré sexually shapely Smooth STDs still strak surname sweep Synonym that the things tidy tidy␣up Transitive transmitted Umgangssprachlich unnecessary useless utter Video Video␣games von Weightlifting well Well-proportioned which without

Uma palavra na palavra (Palavra encontrada como está dentro da palavra. Tamanho mínimo 3 letras.)


2 anagramas (Novas palavras encontradas alterando a ordem da letra.)

canle lance

11 anagramas encontrados com uma letra extra (Novas palavras formadas com toda a letra da palavra e uma carta extra.)

alceno canela Canela Celina elance enlace lancei lanche lenção Lucena nucela

11 anagramas menos uma letra (Novas palavras formadas com toda a letra da palavra menos uma letra.)

acne alce anel cale cela cena élan -ença nace neca nela

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