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A palavra bounty é uma palavra estrangeira

7 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em francês —
  • bounty n.m. (Péjoratif) Variante orthographique de Bounty.
  • Bounty n.m. (Péjoratif) Stéréotype ou insulte visant des « Noirs »…
— Em inglês —
  • bounty n. (Uncountable) Generosity; also (countable) an act of generosity.
  • bounty n. (Countable) Something given liberally; a gift.
  • bounty n. (Countable) A reward for some specific act, especially one…
  • bounty n. (Countable, figuratively) An abundance or wealth.
  • bounty v. (Transitive) To offer a monetary reward for the capturing or killing of.
4 palavras portuguesas de 7 definições estrangeiras

for insulte some Variante

29 palavras estrangeiras de 7 definições estrangeiras

abundance act also Bounty capturing countable des especially figuratively generosity gift given killing liberally monetary Noirs offer one orthographique Péjoratif reward Something specific Stéréotype the Transitive Uncountable visant wealth

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