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A palavra adjoint é uma palavra estrangeira

14 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em francês —
  • adjoint n.m. Personne qui est adjointe à une autre pour certaines fonctions.
  • adjoint n.m. (France) (Administration) (Spécialement) Officier municipal…
  • adjoint v. Participe passé masculin singulier du verbe adjoindre.
  • adjoint v. Troisième personne du singulier du présent du verbe adjoindre.
— Em inglês —
  • adjoint adj. (Mathematics) Used in certain contexts, in each case involving…
  • adjoint adj. (Mathematics, category theory, of a functor) That is related…
  • adjoint adj. (Geometry, of one curve to another curve) Having a relationship…
  • adjoint n. (Mathematics) The transpose of the cofactor matrix of a given…
  • adjoint n. (Mathematics, linear algebra, of a matrix) Transpose conjugate.
  • adjoint n. (Mathematics, mathematical analysis, of an operator) Hermitian conjugate.
  • adjoint n. (Mathematics, category theory) A functor related to another…
  • adjoint n. (Geometry, algebraic geometry) A curve A such that any point…
  • adjoint n. An assistant to someone who holds a position in the military…
  • adjoint n. An assistant mayor of a French commune.
5 palavras portuguesas de 14 definições estrangeiras

case curve linear municipal qui

73 palavras estrangeiras de 14 definições estrangeiras

adjoindre adjointe Administration algebra algebraic algebraic␣geometry analysis another any assistant autre category category␣theory certain certaines cofactor commune conjugate contexts each est fonctions France French functor geometry given Having Hermitian Hermitian␣conjugate holds involving linear␣algebra masculin mathematical mathematical␣analysis Mathematics matrix mayor military of␣a of␣an Officier one operator Participe Participe␣passé passé personne point position pour présent related relationship singulier someone Spécialement such such␣that that That␣is the theory transpose Transpose␣conjugate Troisième Troisième␣personne une une␣autre Used verbe who

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