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A palavra absent é uma palavra estrangeira

19 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em francês —
  • absent adj.m. Qui n’est pas là où on l’attend.
  • absent adj.m. Qui manque ; qui fait défaut.
  • absent adj.m. (Sens figuré) Qui est distrait, inattentif.
  • absent n.m. Personne qui n’est pas là, qui ne participe pas.
  • absent n.m. (Droit) Personne non présente au jugement.
— Em inglês —
  • absent adj. (Not comparable) Being away from a place; withdrawn from…
  • absent adj. (Not comparable) Not existing; lacking.
  • absent adj. (Comparable) Inattentive to what is passing; absent-minded; preoccupied.
  • absent n. (With definite article) Something absent, especially absent…
  • absent n. (Obsolete, Scotland) An absentee; a person who is not there.
  • absent prep. In the absence of; without; except.
  • absent v. (Reflexive) To keep (oneself) away.
  • absent v. (Transitive, archaic) To keep (someone) away.
  • absent v. (Intransitive, obsolete) Stay away; withdraw.
  • absent v. (Transitive, rare) Leave.
— Em alemão —
  • absent Adj. Veraltet: körperlich nicht anwesend, nicht zugegen.
  • absent Adj. Übertragen, veraltet: geistig nicht anwesend.
— Palavra portuguesa, definida em holandês —
  • absent bijv. Afwezig.
  • absent bijv. Verstrooid.
1 palavra portuguesa de 19 definições estrangeiras


71 palavras estrangeiras de 19 definições estrangeiras

absence absent absentee absent-minded Afwezig anwesend archaic article attend away Being comparable défaut definite definite␣article distrait Droit especially est except existing fait figuré from geistig inattentif Inattentive In␣the␣absence␣of Intransitive jugement keep körperlich lacking là␣où Leave manque minded nicht non not obsolete oneself participe pas passing person Personne place preoccupied présente rare Reflexive Scotland Sens Sens␣figuré someone Something Stay the there Transitive Übertragen veraltet Verstrooid what who With withdraw withdrawn without zugegen

5 sufixos (Novas palavras encontradas adicionando uma ou mais letras no final da palavra.)

absente absentar absentámos absentismo absenteísmo

6 anagramas encontrados com uma letra extra (Novas palavras formadas com toda a letra da palavra e uma carta extra.)

absente baniste besante bisneta butanês tebanos

7 anagramas menos uma letra (Novas palavras formadas com toda a letra da palavra menos uma letra.)

antes banes baste besta nesta Tebas tensa

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