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A palavra above é uma palavra estrangeira

27 trechos curtos o Wikcionário (O dicionário universal de conteúdo livre e editável por todos.)

— Em inglês —
  • above prep. Physically over; on top of; worn on top of, said of clothing.
  • above prep. In or to a higher place; higher than; on or over the upper surface.
  • above prep. Farther north than.
  • above prep. Rising; appearing out of reach height-wise.
  • above prep. (Figuratively) Higher than; superior to in any respect;…
  • above prep. Higher in rank, status, or position.
  • above prep. (Scotland) In addition to; besides.
  • above prep. Surpassing in number or quantity; more than.
  • above prep. In preference to.
  • above prep. Too proud to stoop to; averse to; disinclined towards…
  • above prep. Beyond; on the other side.
  • above prep. (Theater) Upstage of.
  • above adv. Directly overhead; vertically on top of.
  • above adv. Higher in the same page; earlier in the order as far as…
  • above adv. Into or from heaven; in the sky.
  • above adv. In a higher place; upstairs; farther upstream.
  • above adv. Higher in rank, power, or position.
  • above adv. (Archaic) In addition.
  • above adv. More in number.
  • above adv. Above zero; above freezing.
  • above adv. (Biology) On the upper half or the dorsal surface of an animal.
  • above adj. Of heaven; heavenly.
  • above adj. (By ellipsis) Being located higher on the same page or…
  • above n. Heaven.
  • above n. Something, especially a person’s name in legal documents…
  • above n. Higher authority.
  • above n. (Archaic) betterment, raised status or condition.
11 palavras portuguesas de 27 definições estrangeiras

animal dorsal legal more over same status superior Too top zero

84 palavras estrangeiras de 27 definições estrangeiras

above addition any appearing Archaic as␣far␣as authority averse Being besides betterment Beyond Biology clothing condition Directly disinclined documents earlier ellipsis especially far farther Figuratively freezing from half heaven heavenly height higher In␣addition In␣addition␣to Into located name north number of␣an on␣the on␣the␣same␣page on␣top on␣top␣of order other other␣side out out␣of out␣of␣reach overhead page person Physically place position power preference proud quantity raised rank reach respect Rising said Scotland side sky Something stoop surface Surpassing than the Theater the␣same towards upper Upstage upstairs upstream vertically wise worn

9 tempos no meio (Novas palavras encontradas adicionando letras na frente e no final da palavra.)

cabo-verde Cabo␣Verde cabo-verdense cabo-verdiana cabo-verdiano cabo-verdenses cabo-verdianas cabo-verdianos República␣de␣Cabo␣Verde

Uma palavra na palavra (Palavra encontrada como está dentro da palavra. Tamanho mínimo 3 letras.)


2 palavras na palavra DeS (Palavras encontradas escritas da direita para a esquerda, dentro da palavra. Tamanho mínimo 3 letras.)

evo oba

3 primos (Novas palavras formadas por mudar uma letra na palavra.)

abobe abofé aboie

Palavra aleatóriaDe volta ao topo
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